Dr. Jose Rizal Portrait by Prince Winchested
Hello everybody, it's been a long time since I wrote in my blog. I have new website called Sining Ph which promoting young talented Filipino artist. There are many young artist who market their talents. I am also helping them to sell their artworks.
You may visit the website by clicking the link above.
I have a little segment called Best Art of the week, in which featured every week. You guys can send me your artworks all people are welcome to submit your arts, wether you want to market your works or just wanting to inspired young artist out there. You may send us tips and tricks on how to make a good arts.
Anyway, this art is made by Prince Winchester a Graphic Artist.
I also have old photos of mine and I can't help wondering how does it look likes after restoration of the photo? Have guys also have very old photo that needed to get a restoration? Just message the aforemention Graphic Artist. It comes with a price of course.