The first thing I do in the morning is washing my face and I think it's everybody's morning routine. I use Pond's Men Acne Solution, somehow it helps preventing people from growing bigger to swelling and I swear the experienced was painful.
How I wash my face:
Note: Wash your hands first using antibacterial soap.
First: Apply small amount of facial wash on your hand.
Second: Lather your hands by rubbing them together with facial wash.
Third: Gently apply it onto your face in circular motion. Leave it for 3 minutes. ( I don't know about you but that's how I did it since the facial wash I am using has cooling effect)
I have sensitive skin ( or insensitive skin rather *sarcasm) sometimes whenever I apply foreign skin care produc, my face got swollen and really itchy. I might add that I have oily face which is not helping.
Another tips I want to share with you to prevent acne or pimple from growing back.
Change your pillow case often. ( I change mine every three (3) days)
Dusting your bed and make sure to spray alcohol to fight the germs or bacteria that residing with you on your bed.
Hang your towel under the sun ( I spray alcohol onto my towel aswell haha!!! and I often change my towel every week)
I wash my pillows everymonth together with bedsheet.
If your have a long hair make sure to wear your hair properly to prevent the face skin to get irrated.
Note: Following this tips won't guarantee you to prevent the pimples from growing back. Consult a dermatologist if you are experiencing severe breakouts.
I noticed the blackheads around my nose kept coming back. I read on some MD article that blackheads won't easily vanished to exist, under each pores is sebaceaous gland producing natural oils called sebum and sebum darken during oxidation process and creates a darkspots on your skin.
You may use nose strip or patch once or twice a week. In my case that's not my cup of tea, that's why I bought Pimple Facial Extractor Tools to saved money unlike buying nose strip often.
Anyway I bought my Facial Extractor Tools in Shopee and take this as an utmost precaution, only buy from a legit store and buy the stainless one. The name in the description says it was made from stainless but NO. Well, anyhow it is good for its price.
A set of seven (7) different types of Extractor Tools
Three (3) spoon extractor the two have flat extractor at the other end while the one on the right has needle at the other end.
This one has hook instead of needle and extractor at the other end.
I have to share this to you guys and for everyone's awareness about some shopee sellers' scheme.
It was four (4) days before my parcel arrived. I checked the item every so often to read some comments regarding the product, I notice the price was change from P49.00 to P55.00, I was shocked like what is the seller playing? Why the sudden price hike? And then the last day before my parcel was finally arrived I check the price again out of curiosity and I was shock!!! The price from P55.00 hike to P60.00 and suddenly the seller list the item as sold out and I think that's really suspicious.
I concluded that, this is a modus, a scheme, a scam. I also checked my other products I bought in Shopee ( excluded those items I bought during sales of course those are discounted) I noticed the suddent price hike. Especially those items which often bought from their store, they're taking advantage if they notice the item is the "most buy" among other products, they will put label sold out, change the price, wait for an hour or two before making it available for purchase.